Stock Chart in Excel

Last Updated :

21 Aug, 2024

Blog Author :

Jeevan A Y

Edited by :

Ashish Kumar Srivastav

Reviewed by :

Dheeraj Vaidya

Excel Stock Chart

The stock chart in excel, also known as a high-low-close chart, represents the conditions of data in markets such as the stock market. The data redlects the changes in the prices of the stocks. Users can insert it from the “Insert” tab of the Excel application, and choose from the four types of stock chart options.

Excel Stock Chart
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High-low-close is the most used as it has three series of high and low prices to exhibit the level of fluctuations affecting the stocks. Thus, the users can use up to six series of prices in stock charts. Such charts, however, can also be used to detect changes in weather conditions and other similar purposes.

Table of Contents


How to Create Stock Chart In Excel? (Step-by-Step)

To create a stock chart in Excel, users or analysts need a correct set of data on stock prices daily. There needs to have an opening price, a high price during the day, a low price during the day, and what is a close price during the day. So, for demonstration purposes, below data of stock prices has been created:

Stock Chart in Excel Example

You can download this Stock Chart Excel Template here

Stock Chart Excel Template

Follow the below steps to create your first Stock Chart.

1. Select the data in the worksheet.

Stock Chart in Excel Example 1

2. Go to INSERT> Stock Chart > Open-High-Low-Close.

Stock Chart in Excel Example 1-1

3. Now, we will have a chat like the one below.

Stock Chart in Excel Example 1-2

4. Select the vertical axis and press Ctrl + 1 keys.

Stock Chart in Excel Example 1-3

5. In the format data series box, make “Minimum” as 50 and “Maximum” 65, and “Major” 1.

Stock Chart in Excel Example 1-4

6. Now, enlarge the chart vertically and horizontally. We will have a chart below.

Stock Chart in Excel Example 1-5

In this chart, each date clearly appears. It gives us a box with upward and downward arrows. The upward and downward arrows represent the opening and closing stock prices for each date, but we do not know which is the opening and closing stock price. We cannot say which is opening and closing because there are situations where an opening is more and closing is less and vice-versa.

How To Use Stock Chart In Excel?

The above stock chart in Excel example clearly shows what the final presentation would look like. The next thing that users or analysts must know is how to use this chart to read and interpret the data properly. The first thing to look into is the opening price and the closing price.

Some boxes have filled colors, and some do not. One must rely on these boxes to identify which are open and which are close prices.

If it’s a non-filled box, the opening price is a downward arrow, i.e., the stock is profitable for the day.

If it’s a filled box, the upward arrow is the opening price, i.e., the stock is under loss for that day.

The continuous line of an upward arrow indicates the high price for the day, and the continuous line of a downward arrow indicates the low price for the day.

Using the stock chart, one can analyze the charts and make some interpretations. We have four stock charts available in Excel, below are the types.

“High – Low – Close,” “Open – High – Low – Close,” “Volume – High – Low – Close,” and “Volume – Open – High – Low – Close.”

Based on the structure of the data, users/analysts can choose the appropriate one to show the numbers in the graph.