Speed To Market

Last Updated :

21 Aug, 2024

Blog Author :

Edited by :

Ashish Kumar Srivastav

Reviewed by :

Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM

Table Of Contents


Speed To Market Meaning

Speed to market is a concept in the product development domain. It signifies the amount of time a business takes to design, create, and introduce a new product or service into the market. This strategy allows a company to stand ahead of its competitors and contributes to the product's success.

Speed To Market

The strategy applies to the complete life cycle of a product. It includes the development of ideas, designing the product, creating its prototype, developing the product, and launching it in the market. Understanding this strategy may help organizations dominate an industry and deliver products and services faster than the competition.

  • Speed to market is an approach to product development that implies the amount of time an organization takes to conceptualize, develop, and release a new product or service to the market.
  • The method is applicable throughout every stage of product development. It involves the time required to generate ideas, the whole design period, production, market launch, and early sales to customers.
  • A company's manufacturing expenses decrease if a product enters the market sooner, which results in higher profit. Furthermore, the product may start earning a return on investment as soon as it is put up for sale.

Speed To Market Explained

Speed to market is a product development strategy that begins with the idea of creating a product and ends with the product's availability for purchase. The process includes generating ideas, the complete design cycle, manufacturing, market debut, initial consumer purchases, and success or failure evaluation. It applies to newly released products or services and improvements to the features in existing items.

This process is an essential strategy for start-ups that want to position themselves in the market promptly. It can assist companies in comparing their product development efficiency with their competitors. Additionally, it aids in motivating businesses to engage in innovation and monitor their potential for introducing products and services more rapidly.

How To Measure?

There is no specific process for calculating the speed to market strategy because it varies based on the specific product, business, and workforce. The estimation period may start with the formulation of a concept, permission for its advancement, complete financing, or when the appointed team starts to work.

The last date may represent the day the engineering department delivers the final production design, the first time a client purchases the product, or when the company reaches a specific production volume. Analyzing the relevant industry data may assist businesses in determining the start and end dates. It also enables the company to compare its performance metrics to those of its competitors.


Let us study the following examples to understand this strategy:

Example #1

Suppose Panache Ltd. is a company that manufactures electronic products. The company wants to launch a new phone in the market. The time-to-market process started when the idea was initially conceived. The different departments in the company worked together to design and create the phone with unique features that would make it stand out from the market competitors. After a year, the phone was finally introduced to the market, and the customers started purchasing it. This event marked the end of the process. This is an example of speed to market.

Example #2

Time to market is essential for low-cost electric automobiles. As UK manufacturers strive to boost EV manufacturing and compete with inexpensive Chinese imports, they must take extra precautions to build robust and effective supply chains. Several Chinese EVs will be introduced in the UK in 2024. Existing product lines have also witnessed increased global sales. On the contrary, EVs built in the UK are substantially more costly than their Chinese counterparts. This is another example of speed to market.

How To Improve?

Some methods to improve speed to market include the following:

  • Businesses must have a clear product roadmap to minimize this time and enhance the plan's accuracy. This strategy will allow businesses to increase the transparency of the entire process and identify the most significant tasks.
  • Automation allows businesses to simplify elements of their processes and improve the efficacy of the product development procedure. It also aids in enabling the workers to focus on more critical tasks. Additionally, replacing manual processes with automated ones may help reduce human error.
  • Outsourcing some of the project assignments to experts may minimize this time. Furthermore, outsourcing lowers expenses and allows employees to concentrate on essential objectives.
  • Ensuring clear, efficient communication among the different departments and teams involved in developing the product may help improve speed to market. Regular meetings are essential to keep the entire staff updated on the project's progress.


The importance of the speed to market strategy is as follows:

  • The most effective strategy enables businesses to expand their prospective market share while overcoming existing obstacles more easily. Companies can provide customers with a better resolution to their problems while their rivals are still improving their products. If customers have no other alternatives available, they are likely to buy the product from the pioneering business.
  • A company may emerge as an industry leader if they are the first one to introduce a specific product or service. A first-mover advantage leads to increased recognition of the brand and customer loyalty before competitors launch similar products.
  • The faster the product reaches the market, the less money a company needs to spend on manufacturing, which results in higher profitability. Moreover, the product can start generating a return on investment as soon as it becomes open to sale.
  • The primary objective of any business is to determine viable solutions to the issues affecting customers. If the business can minimize the time to market, it will be able to meet customer demand faster than any other organization.

Speed To Market vs Go-To Market

The differences between the two are as follows:

Speed To Market

  • This process signifies the time it takes for a business to come up with an idea, enhance it, and deliver it to clients.
  • The speed at which a business introduces its product to the market may impact its success and ability to stay ahead of its rivals.
  • This term applies to the whole life cycle of the product. Delivering products ahead of the competition creates an advantage for the business and can help a company build a reputation as the market leader.

Go-To Market

  • A go-to-market (GTM) strategy is an extensive framework that businesses adopt to introduce a new product or service to the market.
  • Businesses establish these strategies to reduce risk and maximize the likelihood of success when launching a new product to the market.
  • These plans prepare for the challenges of the competitive market environment by accurately recognizing the target markets. It focuses on demonstrating the product's value proposition, designing a marketing plan, and constructing a sales and distribution network.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does speed to market affect new product success?

Businesses can gain a significant edge over competitors by maximizing this process and being the earliest player in the market. It aids businesses in presenting and delivering their products to end users much sooner than their rivals. The sooner the business introduces the product to the market, the less likely it is to encounter competition early on.

What are the factors of speed to market?

Several factors may influence this process, which include the type of product, level of complexity, and the industry it is a part of. At times, the magnitude of the project and the degree of risk involved influence the speed at which the business is able to bring the product to the market.

What are the risks of speed to market?

Some businesses may use this strategy as an excuse for reducing the time, effort, funds, and resources involved in developing the product. This could ultimately result in developing the wrong product or creating a low-quality product that fails in the market. Another drawback of operating too rapidly is encountering the possibility of burning out the team.

This article has been a guide to Speed To Market & its meaning. We explain its examples, how to measure & improve it, importance, & comparison with go-to market. You may also find some useful articles here -