Management Books

Last Updated :

21 Aug, 2024

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Ashish Kumar Srivastav

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Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM

14 Best Business Management Books [Updated 2023]

Management is one of the most talked-about modern disciplines. Still, when it comes to outlining successful management techniques, many views must be aware of their true credibility. Below is the list of books on management to read in 2024:

  1. Good to Great ( Get this book )
  2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ( Get this book )
  3. Leaders Eat Last ( Get this book )
  4. How to Win Friends and Influence People ( Get this book )
  5. The One Thing You Need to Know ( Get this book )
  6. Financial Intelligence ( Get this book )
  7. What Management Is ( Get this book )
  8. The One Minute Manager ( Get this book )
  9. Six thinking hats: An essential approach to business management ( Get this book )
  10. First, break all the rules: What the world’s greatest managers do differently ( Get this book ) 
  11. The great game of business: The only sensible way to run a company ( Get this book ) 
  12. The Essential Drucker ( Get this book )
  13. The Rules of Management: A Definitive Code for Managerial Success ( Get this book )
  14. High Output Management ( Get this book )

Let us discuss each business management book in detail and its key takeaways and reviews.

Management Books
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#1 – Good to Great

by James C. Collins

#1 – Good to Great

About the book

The book puts forward many interesting business concepts to explain how good or mediocre companies transform themselves to become great companies over a period.

Book review

The book starts with the question of how good companies transition to become great companies. The author carried out many extensive research projects to determine what makes some companies outperform their peers. This book summarizes the findings of these projects. The author and his research team spotted a set of companies that produced great results in the market and sustained them for at least 15 years. The book uses many interesting case studies, innovative metaphors, and witty catch phrases that help you with the business concepts easily and in a fun way. However, one of the book’s shortcomings is that some of the companies glorified in it and touted to be the best in the business have failed miserably several years after the publication of the book.

Key Takeaways

  • It is an extremely well-researched book in its time frame.
  • It is interesting and easy to read. Hence, it can be appealing not only to the management people but also to people in general.

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#2 – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

by Stephen R. Covey

#2 – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

About the book

The book explains how we can differentiate ourselves from an average person by identifying good habits and then building on them. It is an international bestseller and is considered one of the best personality development books.

Book review

The book starts with an eye-opener that we all have some good habits, some bad habits, and some hardly impact our lives. Then, the author advises building on the good habits while not doing much about the bad ones. In this book, he suggests seven synergistic habits that will help you take control of your life, make smart decisions, manage societal relationships, overcome bad habits, enhance professional productivity, etc. In short, the book intends to state that by changing your habits, you don’t change the world’s perception of you but also change your perception of the world, which can be the difference between success and failure.

Key Takeaways

  • It can help you develop your personality, both personal and professional.
  • If you practice the seven synergistic habits, you can pursue the path of true personal and professional success.

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#3 – Leaders Eat Last

by Simon Sinek

#3 – Leaders Eat Last

About the book

The book talks about the great leaders who create such an environment within the organization that the employees trust each other, naturally work together, and can achieve remarkable results.

Book review

The main assumption of the book is that some teams perform well, and team members are willing to put their lives on the line for each other as they trust each other very deeply. On the other hand, some other teams remain fragmented and vulnerable to infighting, adversely impacting their team output. In this book, the author has provided several examples to show how great leaders care for their team members while inspiring them to deliver great results. Essentially, the author intends to demonstrate through numerous case studies that if, as a leader, you take care of your people, then these people will automatically take care of your profits.

Key Takeaways

  • It is a must-read for all leaders who wish to take the leap and become great leaders.
  • The examples can be useful for leaders facing problems with new employees.
  • The essence of the book is very simple – treat your employees well.

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#4 – How to Win Friends and Influence People

by Dale Carnegie

#4 – How to Win Friends and Influence People

About the book

It is a self-help book that guides you in changing your behavior so that the world changes how they see and treat you. This book is one of the most influential business and communication skills guides.

Book review

This book will teach you how to market yourself, personally and professionally. It will help you become friendlier with people so that they see you as likable and positive. Professionally, it will help you enhance your presentability to win new clients. In the book, the author has shared much useful advice to help you with business relationships and public speaking. It also has some simple techniques that can be very useful for introverts and people with social anxiety. The major flaw with the book is that you might need help to relate to most of the examples provided, given that they are from a very old time. Nevertheless, the book is still very good and can increase your earning potential by improving your overall behavior.

Key Takeaways

  • It is an awesome self-help book. If you can follow the suggested principles, you will become a different person in a good way.
  • If you want to improve your interpersonal skills, either professional or personal, this book is a must-read for you.

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#5 – The One Thing You Need to Know

by Marcus Buckingham 

#5 – The One Thing You Need to Know

Book Review

An absorbing management book on what makes great managers and leaders successful at what they do, guide, motivate, and lead people. The author argues that instead of falling prey to the common fallacy that one must identify the weaknesses of employees and work on them, a manager looks for strengths in an individual and focuses on capitalizing on the same.

This work offers greater clarity to readers on the concept and practices of management than most others on this topic, where many ideas are afforded with little substance. However, a wealth of relevant and organized information is provided to the readers in this work, and tips on developing good management skills begin with the management of the self. A highly acclaimed work on management would help you on your path to becoming a good manager.

Key Takeaways

A complete guide to managing people by identifying their strengths and utilizing them to the advantage of the organization at large. Unlike works where a lot of theoretical ideas are forwarded with little practical value, this author adopts a down-to-earth approach to clarifying key concepts and helping readers understand how to acquire critical management skills. A must-read for students and professional managers on what it takes to be a good manager.

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#6 – Financial Intelligence

By Karen Berman and Joe Knight 

Financial Intelligence

Book Review

A unique work on management focuses on the significance of financial awareness for a manager to make key decisions in an informed manner. The authors argue that many managers need to be properly acquainted with basic financial concepts and know even little about the source of financial information, making things even more difficult.

This work details the possible biases in financial information made available to managers and how they can account for these biases—excellent work for nonfinancial managers, which would help them acquire the necessary financial skills to enhance their efficiency.

Key Takeaways

If a manager is not financially aware, it will affect the quality of his decisions, and the authors of this work present a reliable approach to filling in this gap. It also argues that a manager needs to know about possible biases in financial information and how to deal with them efficiently. Complete work on the significance of financial intelligence in management.

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#7 – What Management Is

By Joan Magretta

#7 – What Management Is

Book Review

The author explores some of the oft-ignored aspects of management in this informative volume and offers a complete overview of the core concepts of management. A manager might be good at some things he is required to do, but management is all about making all components of an ideal system come together, which is what this work is all about.

Readers would benefit from the intelligent insights offered in this work, which would help understand why sometimes small businesses prosper when larger ones do not—a unique work on management that redefines management for students, laypeople, and business managers.

Key Takeaways

An insider’s view on how management principles find application in the real world and what makes organizations perform like nothing else. Instead of focusing on any specific management aspect, this work discusses the need for a manager to create an efficient system out of various components that work to the company’s advantage. A valuable work on management that asks the right questions and points to the answers most needed.

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#8 – The One Minute Manager

By Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson  

#8 – The One Minute Manager

Book Review

A highly acclaimed work that offers an effective and highly adaptable approach to management has worked well enough for thousands of business managers for years together. Authors have put in a commendable effort to prepare an easy-to-read treatise, understand and implement it in a stepwise manner to help achieve enhanced productivity, professional work satisfaction, and individual growth.

This approach has three components: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Reprimands, which ultimately fit in together, resulting in a near-perfect management system without much hassle. To make things simpler and demonstrate the efficiency of this system, the authors have quoted from several studies in medicine and behavioral sciences as well. In short, this work offers a wealth of information and strategies successfully put to the test by managers across the world.

Key Takeaways

It is the quintessential work on practical management for business managers overseeing various projects in size and scope. It is not without reason that this work has consistently featured on bestseller lists for no less than two decades, providing a highly organized and effective approach to management. A must-read for business managers willing to enhance their understanding of the art and science of management.

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#9 – Six thinking hats: An essential approach to business management

By Edward De Bono

#9 – Six thinking hats- An essential approach to business management

Book Review

An unusual business management book on decision-making by a leading authority on conceptual thinking. Some people might think that management is all about strategies and their effective implementation or knowing how to manage people and resources. Still, this author repeatedly stresses that it is all about how one thinks. Refusing or contradictory thoughts often make it difficult to arrive at the right conclusions and make the right choices based on logical thinking.

The author has identified six typical ways of thinking, which would help better understand the process of thinking and how it affects the decision-making capabilities of a manager. A revolutionary guide to management that can help managers understand how thinking can lead to managing better.

Key Takeaways

Management is more than just strategizing and managing people and resources; it’s about thinking. This volume helps readers understand our thought processes, which play a crucial role in how decisions in business and other spheres of life are made. This book is an intelligent and inspiring read for business managers and anyone interested in discovering how we think and why we think the way we do.

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#10 – First, break all the rules: What the world’s greatest managers do differently

By Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman

#10 – First, break all the rules- What the world’s greatest managers do differently

Book Review

Breaking away from conventional wisdom, this best business management book is based on the findings of a massive study conducted by Gallup on what makes a great manager. The study’s results were rather astounding, as it failed to pinpoint any specific strategy adopted by any of these managers except that they threw the rulebook to management out of the window and sought to reconstruct their unique way of managing talent and resources.

They tend to disregard the conventional view that one can train almost anyone to achieve anything. Instead, they identified useful talent and ‘knew’ how to turn this raw talent into performance. As a result, this work can only be described as an exciting journey into some of the most successful minds in the world of management, and a paying one.

Key Takeaways

Based on Gallup’s study on some of the best managers of the day, an unorthodox view of what makes a manager successful. They found few common criteria among some of the best managers studied, but for one remarkable thing, they did not believe in going by the rulebook. A truly revolutionary view on the right ‘recipe’ to being a great manager and the kind of ‘ingredients’ accompanying it.

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#11 – The great game of business: The only sensible way to run a company

By Jack Stack 

#11 – The great game of business- The only sensible way to run a company

Book Review

Unlike most other books, which are all about complex strategies and concepts, this author shares a revolutionary approach to managing a business developed by the employees of a large company when it was in dire straits. Widely acknowledged and praised for its down-to-earth appeal, this work has helped countless businesses find ways to survive and keep growing in some of the most difficult market situations for no less than thirty years.

The author has kept it simple for even a layperson to understand and apply the presented ideas. A unique, practical, and highly effective guide to decoding ‘the Great Game of Business’ in an intensely competitive marketplace.

Key Takeaways

Industry experts have acknowledged a practical guide to open-book management for businesses’ success and advantages. ‘The Great Game of Business’ is about managing things differently and achieving results in a no-nonsense manner without the need to apply any sophisticated management strategies in vogue these days. Complete work on how to uncomplicate management while achieving greater profits and better employee engagement.

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#12 – The Essential Drucker

By Peter F. Drucker 

#12 – The Essential Drucker

Book Review

The Essential Drucker is a compilation of no less than twenty-six selections from the works of this legendary figure, widely acknowledged as the Father of modern management. Peter F. Drucker has been sharing his valuable insights on management and society for nearly six decades, and his understanding shows in his business philosophy.

This book offers a complete overview of what business management is all about and how one can overcome some of the most common challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth. An invaluable work for students of management and business managers on how to make the most of the available resources and achieve the desired results without breaking a sweat.

Key Takeaways

This business management book presents twenty-six of the finest selections from Peter F. Drucker, the father of modern management, in one place. Readers would find the answers to several commonly asked questions as solutions to management challenges, which would be of immense practical value. An invaluable resource for managers looking to gear up for new challenges emerging daily in the ever-changing business world.

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#13 – The Rules of Management: A Definitive Code for Managerial Success

By Richard Templar

#13 – The Rules of Management- A Definitive Code for Managerial Success

Book Review

This book is ideal for helping you brush up on your management skills and become a better manager. The author offers some valuable tips and advice for managers on getting out of a tight spot and turns challenges on their heads to the advantage of businesses. While most of the advice might not come across as something novel, he makes it a point to ask the oft-forgotten question of whether you are following up on what you already know you should. Not only will this work be useful for new or upcoming managers, but experienced managers will also be able to revisit their strategies and techniques and improve upon them.

Key Takeaways

A fresh perspective on management basics for upcoming managers and a relook at the essentials for experienced ones. This book on management does not offer anything unique or new, to say so, but it does force the readers to sit up and take notice of how they have been managing things and what they can do to make them change for the better. A must-read for both inexperienced and veteran managers to rediscover the art of management.

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#14 – High Output Management

by Andrew S. Grove

#14 – High Output Management

Book Review

Authored by the former chairman and CEO of Intel, this best business management book details effective techniques for building businesses from the ground up and managing efficiently. Widening the scope and breadth of management, it methodically tackles the challenges and problems faced in creating highly productive teams and helping them achieve an optimal level of performance, which is essentially the backbone of any business.

Banking on his real-life management experience with some of the best Silicon Valley technology firms, the author offers a high-efficiency management philosophy that lies at the heart of the success of these businesses. A path-breaking approach to management that can work wonders for business managers willing to go the length.

Key Takeaways

A brief view of the art of entrepreneurship outlines a highly efficient approach for business managers to successfully create and manage businesses. As former chairman and CEO of Intel, the author brings aboard his expertise in the field and deals with some commonly faced challenges in managing things. An essential read for managers, accountants, consultants, CEOs, and startup founders to help understand the nuances of management.

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