Competition Policy

Last Updated :

21 Aug, 2024

Blog Author :

Edited by :

Shreeya Jain

Reviewed by :

Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM

Table Of Contents


What Is Competition Policy?

Competition policy refers to government regulations and guidelines to promote fair business competition. It is aimed at curbing price fixing and monopolies, facilitating startup market access, ensuring efficiency, boost economic growth and consumer welfare using legislation and enforcement authorities.

Competition Policy

It involves continuously reviewing and developing foreign and domestic policies concerning international trade agreements. Legal measures like antitrust laws regulating acquisitions and mergers are deployed to protect consumer rights and welfare. Hence, by examining markets using voluntary agreements and economic analysis, various government agencies enforce it. Firms get prosecuted if found involved in anti-competitive activity.

  • Competition policy comprises government regulations and guidelines that foster fair competition and enhance economic growth and consumer welfare through legislation and enforcement.
  • It ensures lower prices for consumers but increases concentration in some industries.
  • Moreover, it establishes a government framework for fostering market competition. Competition Law, on the other hand, is the legal framework governing and enforcing this policy.
  • Competition policy addresses anti-competitive practices, curbs monopolies, ensures a level playing field, regulates mergers, promotes transparency, safeguards consumer welfare, fosters innovation, and facilitates international trade.

Competition Policy Explained

Competition Policy refers to a comprehensive government regulations framework and principles crafted to safeguard and promote competition in an economy. It has played an important role in allowing the markets to be fair, open, and conducive to innovation. Hence, by ensuring consumer welfare plus protecting them from anti-competitive practices.

It originated in the nineteenth century when the United States government passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890. It has been termed the world's first competition policy to prohibit all forms of anti-competitive practices of businesses. As discussed here, it works by averting and overpowering anti-competitive practices using different powers. Established competition authorities like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of the U.S. the government carefully monitors every activity of businesses.

Furthermore, they immediately investigate any charges of monopoly labeled against a company. They persecute such companies using the policy if they find any anti-competitive element in the allegation. These also can block mergers and acquisitions that may decrease market competition. Competition policy includes measures to protect consumers from deceptive practices, false advertising, and unsafe products.

It has implications like businesses must follow fair trade practices and avoid monopolistic practices, cartels, and price fixing. Consumers are assured of quality products at affordable prices. Their rights and welfare are protected. Therefore, customers have wide choices of products and expect innovative products. Also, a new market player can conduct their operations and establish themselves by virtue of their unique product or services. While intellectual property rights are essential for innovation, competition policy ensures that they are not abused to stifle competition. In addition, fair competition policy actively works to prevent collusion and cartel-like behavior among competitors.


Various practices of the competition policy are there to promote fair rivalry and prohibit anti-competitive practices. Some of the common principles of competition policies are listed below:

  • Stopping anti-competitive contracts: It tries to avert all practices and agreements restricting competition like collusion, mergers or acquisitions (M&A).
  • Prohibiting monopolistic tendencies: It stops dominant market players from abusing their power to suppress competition, hinder new market entrants and manipulate prices.
  • Ensure level playing: It makes sure that all firms, whether large or small or new entrants, get equal opportunity to operate in the market.
  • Regulate mergers and acquisitions: Monitor and regulate all industry mergers and acquisitions to decrease competition.
  • Promotion of market transparency: It mandates all firms to make the information on their transactions, revenue, M&As, financial statements, and collaborations public. It prevents malpractices, allows informed judgments from investors and customers and helps competition policy authorities.
  • Encourage consumer welfare: It ensures the protection of customer interests and investor's money. Hence, it makes products available at affordable prices that are of high quality, giving choices to the customers.
  • Nurturing entrepreneurship and innovation: Thwarting any form of anti-competitive activity, it promotes new businesses, technologies, and innovative products or services to enter the markets.
  • International trade facilitation: It encompasses holistic and fruitful international trade between countries without hampering the growth of local industries and sectors.

Hence, competition policy and law are essential to any thriving economy, ensuring that businesses operate fairly and competently. International competition policy harmonizes regulations across borders, fostering global trade. Therefore, the national competition policy tailors rules to domestic markets, promoting competition while considering local nuances.


Let us take the help of a few examples to understand the topic.

Example #1

Consider a scenario where a regulatory authority identifies a dominant bank that holds a substantial market share, potentially limiting competition and impeding the entry of smaller financial institutions. In accordance with competition policy principles, the regulatory body may impose measures to mitigate anti-competitive practices, such as imposing restrictions on exclusive agreements or ensuring transparent pricing. The policy may also encourage the diversification of financial services by facilitating the entry of new banks or fintech startups.

Thus, it promotes innovation and offers consumers a broader array of choices. Additionally, this policy may involve periodic assessments of market concentration and the enforcement of regulations to prevent collusion or predatory lending practices. By fostering a competitive financial landscape, the policy seeks to enhance efficiency, lower costs, and provide consumers with better financial products and services while ensuring the stability and integrity of the financial system.

Example #2

In an effort to level the playing field for small- and mid-sized farmers and solve the numerous, intricate competition-related concerns in agricultural markets, agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, on Nov 8, 2023, reported advancements made in the holistic strategy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). In order to help contract poultry farms better understand the terms of their agreements with large processing corporations and to help them compete more successfully, USDA has finalized the first of several rules under the Packers and Stockyards Act.

Tom Vilsack stated, "President Biden has been dedicated from the beginning to a strong and efficient set of Packers and Stockyards regulations that will bring better transparency and more fairness to America's producers and growers. This rule, along with the other measures we are proposing today, are essential milestones in USDA's competition and farmer equity agenda". This brings accountability and transparency to transactional relationships throughout the poultry, seed, and government procurement industries. In order to build a more equitable market and give more producers the resources they need for success, the USDA is spending $1 billion on supply chains and improving labeling laws.

In order to assist its numerous initiatives to solve the numerous intricate competition concerns in the agricultural sector, this department has established a new senior-level professional post within the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). The new AMS Chief Competition Officer, who will be housed in the Administrator's Office of the AMS, will work to improve and formalize the implementation of important competition policy priorities at the AMS. They will also support department-wide initiatives like enforcement of the Packers & Stockyards Act, promoting competition and transparency, and forming alliances with State Attorneys General.

Advantages And Disadvantages

Competition policy plays an important role in customer service and brand recognition. Hence, let's use the table below to understand its pros and cons:

The policy ensures low product prices for customers.Some industries may get concentrated too much in some sectors.
Consumers get numerous choices and high-quality products plus services.Small businesses may suffer from decreased market power.
Efficiency and innovation are encouraged.Businesses may incur greater costs.
Development and economic growth are encouraged by it.Enforcing it becomes difficult and complex for businesses.
Monopolies of one company are prevented.Newer and startup business gets protection from cutthroat competition.
Effective policy ensures & offers expansion of old businesses and entry of new businesses with ease.It may not fully stop bigger businesses from anti-competition practices like collusion or price fixing harming consumers and businesses.
By promoting a competitive business environment, competition policy contributes to economic growth.Excessive regulation in the name of competition policy may stifle business innovation and flexibility.

Competition Policy vs Competition Law

Both work to promote consumer interests and safeguard the unrestricted movement of products in a market that is highly competitive. However, there are certain differences between the two, as depicted in the table below:

Competition PolicyCompetition Law
It is a government framework created to promote healthy competition in the market. The governing body of law for the competition policy.
This policy has a much wider scope than the law aspect like- public policy, institutional arrangements, and public policy. The law centers around the legal rules plus regulations governing the rivalry of businesses. 
They are concerned with promoting consumer welfare, economic efficacy and over-market functioning.Here, the main motive is to prevent and suppress anti-competitive practices like monopolies, fixing and cartels.
Government institutions, like antitrust regulators, trade commissions and competition authorities, enforce it.Competition authorities and courts can enforce it.
Various tools like voluntary agreements, economic analysis, market studies, and advocacy are used to prevent market failures and promote market competition. Moreover, it provides legal solutions to anti-competitive behavior like damages, divestitures, injunctions, and fines.
Its implementation has a certain degree of flexibility across different sectors, economic contexts and market conditions. Competition law is rigid and clarifies the definition of anti-competitive action and the penalties for breaking these regulations. 
They can be applied to all economic sectors. One can apply it only to limited legal violations and antitrust problems inside the economy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How does competition policy affect businesses?

Businesses face challenges and advantages under competition policy, which fosters efficiency and innovation. Reduced costs may lead to lower prices for customers. Additionally, it stimulates innovation, spurring economic growth and job creation. Moreover, by delivering superior products and services at competitive prices, competition can help companies expand their market share and profit margins.

2. What is the national competition policy?

National Competition Policy (NCP) typically refers to a set of economic and regulatory reforms aimed at promoting competition within a country's domestic markets. Therefore, the primary goal of NCP is to enhance economic efficiency, consumer welfare, and innovation by removing barriers to competition and addressing anti-competitive practices.

3. Can competition policy be applied internationally?

Yes, this policy can have international dimensions. Countries may cooperate to address cross-border competition issues, harmonize regulations, and ensure fair competition in the global marketplace.

This article has been a guide to what is Competition Policy. We explain its examples, advantages, disadvantages, principles, and comparison with competition law. You may also find some useful articles here -