VBA Delete Column

Published on :

21 Aug, 2024

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Ashish Kumar Srivastav

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Dheeraj Vaidya

Normally in an Excel worksheet, we have two different methods to delete columns: the keyboard shortcut and the right-click and insert method. But, in VBA, we must use the "Delete" command and the entire column statement to delete any column together. If we need to delete a single column, we give a single column reference, but we give multiple column references for multiple columns.

Excel VBA Delete Column

We perform many actions in Excel like cutting, copying, pasting, adding, deleting, and inserting regularly. We can use all of these actions using VBA coding. However, one of the important concepts we need to learn in VBA is the "deleting column." This article will show you how to use this "Delete Column" option in VBA.

What Does Delete Column Do in Excel VBA?

As the name says, it will delete the specified column. To perform this task, we must first identify which column to delete. The selection of deleted columns differs from one scenario to another, so that we will cover some of the important and often faced scenarios in this article.

Deleting the columns is easy. First, we need to use the COLUMNS property to select the column, so VBA's syntax of the "Delete Column" method is below.

Columns (Column Reference).Delete

So, we can construct the code like this:

Columns (2).Delete or Columns (“B”).Delete

It will delete column number 2, i.e., column B.

If we want to delete multiple columns, we cannot enter columns. Instead, we need to reference the columns by column headers, i.e., alphabets.

Columns (“A:D”).Delete

It will delete the column from A to D, i.e., the first 4 columns.

Like this, we can use the "Delete Column" method in VBA to delete particular columns. In the below section, we will see more examples to understand it better. Read on.

VBA Delete Column

Examples of Excel VBA Delete Column Method

Below are examples of deleting columns using VBA.

Example #1 - Using Delete Method

Assume you have the datasheet, something like the below.

VBA Delete Column Example 1

If we want to delete the month "Mar," first select the column property.


Sub Delete_Example1()


End Sub
VBA Delete Column Example 1-1

Mention the column number or alphabet. In this case, it is either 3 or C.


Sub Delete_Example1()


End Sub
VBA Delete Column Example 1-2

Use the Delete method.

Note: You would not get the IntelliSense list to select the Delete method. Just type "Delete."


Sub Delete_Example1()


End Sub
VBA Delete Column Example 1-3

Or you can enter the column address like this.


Sub Delete_Example1()


End Sub
VBA Delete Column Example 1-4

Run this code using the F5 key, or you can run it manually and see the result.

VBA Delete Column Example 1-5

Both the codes will do the same job of deleting the mentioned column.

VBA Delete Column Example 1-6

If we want to delete multiple columns, we need to mention them in the alphabet. We cannot use column numbers here.

If we want to delete columns 2 to 4, we can pass the code like the below.


Sub Delete_Example1()


End Sub
VBA Delete Column Example 1-7

Run this code manually through the run option or press the F5 key. It will delete the columns "Feb," "Mar," and "Apr."

VBA Delete Column Example 1-8

Example #2 - Delete Columns with Worksheet Name

The above is an overview of how to delete columns using VBA code. However, that is not a good practice to delete columns. Deleting the column without referring to the worksheet name is dangerous.

If you have not mentioned the worksheet name, then whichever sheet is active will delete columns of that sheet.

First, we need to select the worksheet by its name.


Sub Delete_Example2()

    Worksheets("Sales Sheet").Select

End Sub
VBA Delete Column Example 2

After selecting the sheet, we need to select the columns. We can also select the columns by using the VBA RANGE object.


Sub Delete_Example2()

   Worksheets("Sales Sheet").Select

End Sub
VBA Delete Column Example 2-1

It will delete columns B to D of the worksheet "Sales Sheet." For this code, it does not matter which is active. Still, it will delete the mentioned columns of that sheet only.

We can construct the VBA code in the single line itself.


Sub Delete_Example2()

    Worksheets("Sales Sheet").Range("B:D").Delete

End Sub
VBA Delete Column Example 2-2

It also deletes the columns "B to D" without selecting the worksheet "Sales Sheet."

Example #3 - Delete Blank Columns

Assume you have data that has alternative blank columns like the below.

VBA DC Example 3

So, delete every alternate column. Then, we can use the below code.


Sub Delete_Example3()

    Dim k As Integer

    For k = 1 To 4
    Columns(k + 1).Delete
    Next k

End Sub
VBA DC Example 3-1

Run this code using the F5 key or manually. Then, it will delete all the alternative blank columns, and our data will look like this.

VBA Delete Column Example 3-2

Note: This works only for alternative blank columns.

Example #4 - Delete Blank Cells Columns

Now, look at this example. In certain situations, we need to delete the entire column if we find any blank cells in the data range. Consider the below data for an example.

VBA DC Example 4

All the yellow-colored cells are blank. So here, we require to delete all the blank cell columns. The below code will do that.


Sub Delete_Example4()




End Sub
VBA DC Example 4-1

Let me explain this code line by line for you.

Our data is from A1 to F9, so first, we must select that range. The below code will do that.


We need to select the blank cells in this selected range of cells. So, to select a blank cell, we need a special cell property. In that property, we have used cell type as blank.


Next, it will select all the blank cells, and we are deleting the entire selection column in the selection.


So, our result will look like this.

VBA DC Example 4-2

Wherever it has found the blank cell, it has deleted those blank cells entirely.

You can download this Excel VBA Delete Column here - VBA Delete Column Template

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