VBA Insert Columns

Published on :

21 Aug, 2024

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Edited by :

Ashish Kumar Srivastav

Reviewed by :

Dheeraj Vaidya

Normally in an Excel worksheet, we have two different methods to add or insert columns: the keyboard shortcut and the right-click and insert method. Still, in VBA, we have to use the insert command and entire column statement to add any column together. The trick is that if we need to insert a single column, we give a single column reference. Still, for the multiple columns, we give multiple column references.

Insert Columns in Excel using VBA

As part of the VBA code, we may need to insert a few columns to fit our needs in our datasheet. Inserting a column is the easy shortcut key in the worksheet by pressing Ctrl +,but how about inserting a new column through VBA code? In this article on "VBA Insert Column," we will show you the process of adding columns in excel and different scenarios examples.

VBA Insert Columns

How to Insert Columns in Excel Worksheet using VBA?

We can insert columns in VBA using the COLUMNS property and RANGE object. But, first, you must know why we need columns and range objects to insert a new column.

To insert a new column, we need to identify after which column we need to insert, without telling, after which column we need to insert how VBA can understand the logic.

For example, if you want to insert the column after column B, you can construct the code like this.


Note: We have used C to insert a column after because it will shift the selected cell to the right side.

After the columns are specified, we need to access the “Entire Column” property.


Then we need to choose the “Insert” method.


It will insert the column after column C and move the existing column C to D.

Example #1 - Insert Columns Using Range Object in VBA

Now, we want to insert the column after the A column. Follow the below steps to construct the code.

VBA Insert Columns Step 1

Now I want to VBA insert the column after the A column. Follow the below steps to construct the code.

Step 1: Start the Sub Procedure.

Step 2: Open Range object.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()


End Sub
VBA Insert Columns Step 2

Step 3: Now, mention the column in double quotes.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()

  Range ("B:B")

End Sub
VBA Insert Columns Step 3

Step 4: Now, choose the Entire Column property.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()


End Sub
VBA Insert Columns Step 4

Step 5: After selecting the Entire Column property, choose the "Insert" method.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()


End Sub
VBA Insert Columns Step 5

Now, your code looks like this.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()


End Sub

Run the code. It will insert the new B column.

VBA Insert Columns Step 6

Example #2 - Insert Multiple Columns

For example, if you want to insert two new columns after column A, then we need to mention two column addresses.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()


End Sub

The above code will insert two columns after column A.

Insert Multiple Columns

Example #3 - With "Insert" Only Method

We can insert a new column using "Insert," the only method without accessing the Entire Column property. For this, let us understand the "Insert" method syntax.


: When we insert the new column, whether we need the columns to shift to the right side or to shift to the downside in case of rows. Here we can use two options, "xlToRight" and "xlDownTo."

: This will specify the format for the newly inserted column. Do you need the format from the left side of the column or the above cells? Here we can use two options “xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove” and “xlFormatFromRightOrBelow.”

Below is the example code for you.

Sub ColumnInsert_Example1()

  Range("B:B").Insert Shift:=xlToRight, Copyorigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

End Sub

Example #4 - Insert Columns Using COLUMNS Property in VBA

We have seen how to insert columns VBA using the RANGE object. Next, we will show we can insert columns using the "COLUMNS" property.

Open the COLUMNS property.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example2()


End Sub
Using VBA Columns Property 1

We can specify the column in two ways here. One is using as usual alphabetic references, and another one uses column numbers.

If you want to insert the column after column A, the code will be COLUMNS("B"). Likewise, the code will be COLUMNS(2) if you use numerical references.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example2()


End Sub
Using VBA Columns Property 1-1

Now, the problem for you arises because when we use the COLUMNS property, we do not get access to the IntelliSense list.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example2()


End Sub
Using VBA Columns Property 1-2

Here, we need to be sure of what we are doing. So, this is the reason we have shown you the RANGE object first.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example2()


End Sub

Example #5 - Insert Alternative Columns

Assume you have the data like the below image.

Alternative Columns 1

Assume you have the data like the below image.

We need to use VBA loops if you want to insert new columns after every alternate row. The below code is tailor-made for you.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example3()

  Dim k As Integer

  For k = 2 To 8
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
  Next k

End Sub

It will insert the column like this.

Alternative Columns 1-1

Example #6 - Insert Column Based on Cell Value

We can also insert a column based on cell value as well. For example, look at the below data.

Based on Cell Value 1

Here, we want to insert the column if the first-row cell value is "Year." Our data should be like this after inserting new columns.

Based on Cell Value 1-1

Use the below code to perform this task.


Sub ColumnInsert_Example4()

  Dim k As Integer
  Dim x As Integer

  x = 2
  For k = 2 To 12
    If Cells(1, x).Value = "Year" Then
    Cells(1, x).EntireColumn.Insert
    x = x + 1
    End If
    x = x + 1
  Next k

End Sub

You can download this VBA Insert Columns Excel here. VBA Insert Columns Excel Template

This article has been a guide to VBA Insert Columns. Here, we will show you how to insert single/multiple columns under different scenarios, examples, and a downloadable Excel template. Below are some useful Excel articles related to VBA: -