How The Government Makes Money ?

Last Updated :

21 Aug, 2024

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Edited by :

Ashish Kumar Srivastav

Reviewed by :

Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM

Table Of Contents


How The Government Makes Money?

How the government makes money refers to the mechanisms and strategies employed by a government to generate the revenue necessary for funding its operations and fulfilling financial commitments. The core objective behind the government making money is to secure funds for public goods, services, infrastructure, and citizen services, ensuring effective governance.

How The Government Makes Money

The government generates revenue to fund public goods and services that provide benefits to society at large. It includes healthcare, education, infrastructure development, public safety, social welfare programs, and other essential services. In addition, the government's ability to make money allows for investments in infrastructure projects such as transportation systems, utilities, and public facilities.

  • How the government makes money refers to the government's collection of revenue to fund its activities and provide public services. This revenue is generated through various sources such as taxes, fees, fines, and other forms of income.
  • The government uses this money to finance public services like healthcare, education, infrastructure development, defense, and social welfare programs.
  • Ultimately, the purpose of the government making money is to support the functioning of the state and to provide for the needs and welfare of its citizens.

Government's Money Making Explained

How the government makes money refers to generating revenue to fund its operations and meet financial obligations. The primary purpose of the government making money is to finance public goods and services, maintain infrastructure, provide essential services to citizens, and fulfill its responsibilities as a governing body.

The government can support various functions and initiatives, including:

  • Public Services: The government utilizes funds to deliver essential public services, including healthcare, education, transportation, law enforcement, public utilities, and social welfare programs. 
  • Infrastructure Development: The government's funds contribute to infrastructure construction, maintenance, and improvement. It includes roads, bridges, airports, public transportation systems, water and sewage systems, and other essential public facilities.
  • Defense and Security: The government allocates funds for national defense, including military expenditures, intelligence agencies, and law enforcement organizations. It ensures the protection of the country and its citizens.
  • Social Programs: The government may use the revenue it generates to implement social programs aimed at assisting vulnerable populations, reducing poverty, providing healthcare services, supporting education initiatives, and promoting social welfare.
  • Debt Repayment: In cases where the government has borrowed money through the issuance of bonds and securities, the revenue is used to repay these debts and any associated interest.
  • Economic Development: Government-generated revenue can stimulate economic growth through investment in infrastructure, research and development, job creation initiatives, and support for industries and businesses.


The federal government in the United States generates tax revenue from various sources. The breakdown of the federal government's tax income includes:

  • Individual Income Taxes: These taxes are imposed on the earnings of individuals and households, encompassing wages, salaries, investments, and various other taxable income sources. Collecting individual income taxes provides significant funding for government programs, services, and obligations.
  • Payroll Taxes: Payroll taxes are levied explicitly on employee wages and self-employment income to support social security programs, such as Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, as well as Medicare. 
  • Corporate Taxes: These taxes are imposed explicitly on the income earned by corporations that operate as separate legal entities, ensuring that they contribute their fair share of taxes based on their profitability.
  • Excise Taxes: By levying excise taxes on items such as gasoline, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, luxury items, etc., the government collects revenue to fund public programs, services, and infrastructure development.
  • Estate and Gift Taxes: Estate and gift taxes are imposed on transferring assets and wealth from one person to another through inheritance (estate tax) or gifts given during a person's lifetime. These taxes are applicable when the value of the assets exceeds certain thresholds.
  • Customs Duties: Imported goods are subject to customs duties, taxes imposed at the time of importation. The rates of customs duties may vary depending on the specific type and value of the imported goods.


Let us look at how the government makes money with the help of the examples to understand the concept better:

Example #1

In Canada, the government generates revenue through various sources, including taxation and other revenue-generating activities. Here's an example of how the Canadian government makes money:

  • Personal Income Tax: The government collects personal income tax from individuals based on their income levels. The tax rates are progressive, meaning higher-income earners pay higher tax rates. Employers deduct income tax from employees' salaries and remit them to the government on their behalf.
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): The government imposes a federal Goods and Services Tax on most goods and services consumed in Canada. The current GST rate is 5%, and businesses collect this tax from consumers and remit it to the government.

Example #2

Another example includes how the government made money during the COVID-19 pandemic. The United States and other nations implemented various measures to provide financial assistance and boost economic growth. One of these measures involved the Federal Reserve implementing monetary policies to inject liquidity into the financial system, which included increasing the money supply. This was primarily achieved through purchasing government bonds and other securities, a process known as quantitative easing.

Quantitative easing involves the central bank creating new money electronically and using it to purchase assets, such as government bonds, from financial institutions. By doing so, the Federal Reserve aimed to lower interest rates, support lending and encourage economic activity during economic stress.

The increased money supply resulting from these actions does not directly fund government expenditures but aims to stimulate economic growth by ensuring sufficient liquidity in the financial system. The government's direct funding for pandemic-related relief programs came following the provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and subsequent relief packages, which involved government spending and borrowing.


The government utilizes its revenues through various sources to fund its operations and provide public goods and services. Here are some primary methods through which the government uses its revenue:

  • Public Services and Programs: The government allocates funds to provide essential services and programs to its citizens. It includes education, healthcare, infrastructure development, defense, law enforcement, public transportation, and social welfare programs.
  • Debt Servicing: If the government has accumulated debt from borrowing, some of the revenue may be allocated to debt servicing. It involves making interest payments on existing government bonds or loans.
  • Maintenance and Upkeep: The government uses the revenue to maintain and improve public assets and facilities. It includes repairing roads, bridges, and public buildings and managing public parks and recreational spaces.
  • Subsidies and Grants: The government may provide financial assistance through subsidies and grants to support specific industries, businesses, research initiatives, or social causes. These funds aim to stimulate economic growth, innovation, and social progress.
  • Transfer Payments: Some revenue is allocated to transfer payments, which involve redistributing income to individuals or groups in need. It includes social security, unemployment benefits, welfare assistance, and healthcare subsidies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the role of grants and foreign aid in government revenue?

Grants and foreign aid are supplemental to government revenue by providing additional funds for specific purposes. While they are not typically considered primary sources of income, grants, and foreign aid can contribute to government revenue by supporting programs and projects that might otherwise be financially challenging to implement.

2. How does government earn revenue through business?

Governments can earn revenue through various business-related activities. One way is through state-owned enterprises (SOEs) or government-owned corporations, businesses owned and operated by the government. These entities generate revenue by offering goods and services in energy, telecommunications, transportation, and financial services. The profits of these enterprises are often channeled back to the government as revenue.

3. When does government print more money?

Governments may print more money in certain circumstances, typically as part of expansionary monetary policies. One common scenario is during economic downturns or recessions when governments aim to stimulate economic activity. Increasing the money supply provides additional liquidity to the economy, making it easier for businesses and individuals to access credit and spend.

This has been a guide to How The Government Makes Money. Here, we explain the process along with its sources, examples, and usage. You can learn more about it from the following articles –