Blank Endorsement

Last Updated :

21 Aug, 2024

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Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM

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What Is A Blank Endorsement?

A blank endorsement is the action of signing a financial instrument without mentioning the name of the payee. It is done so that the holder or the bearer of the instrument can encash it; usually, such bearer security holds the signature on its back side.

Blank Endorsement

As the recipient of the designated amount or merchandise is anonymous in such cases, these are also termed bearer instruments. The use of a blank or general endorsement is common in checks, promissory notes, bills of lading, and drafts. However, such an action increases the risk because if the instrument is lost or stolen, anyone who finds it can claim it.

  • The blank endorsement refers to the signature on a negotiable financial instrument without mentioning the payee. It facilitates the transfer of ownership to the person in possession of such a bearer's security.
  • The holder of the instrument is considered a payee and can present the same for cash receipt.
  • The endorser usually signs the back side of a bearer instrument, such as a check, bills of lading, promissory note, and drafts.
  • The cash-like nature of such a bearer instrument heightens its flexibility but simultaneously increases the risk of anyone claiming it in case of loss or theft.

Blank Endorsement Explained

Blank endorsement refers to a signature on the back of the check with no name of the designated payee. Hence, any holder of the endorsement check can claim it. Blank endorsements are a part of financial transactions, especially with negotiable instruments like checks.

It allows the transfer of ownership to the possessor or bearer of the instrument, while the payers remain liable to make the payment when claimed by the former. Blank endorsement is pivotal in international trade for facilitating ownership transfer in bills of exchange and promissory notes. It even ensures convenient cross-border commercial transactions. However, these endorsements carry inherent risks since anyone in possession of a bearer instrument can cash or deposit it.

Hence, losing or stealing such an instrument may result in unauthorized use by the one who holds it, raising security concerns. Thus, the risk of fraud and forgery arises. This is due to the lack of specificity in such cases of endorsements, requiring vigilance and security measures.

the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in the U.S. has established the regulatory framework. It governs the legal aspects of blank endorsement of various financial instruments, thus emphasizing caution, trust, and security within the financial system. Moreover, financial institutions implement policies and procedures to protect against such risks. Also, in case of any dispute regarding such endorsements, one can seek legal redressal.

The general endorsements maintain their significance in modern finance. Its integration with digital platforms ensures its continued relevance and adaptability without compromising on security or efficiency. Moreover, the endorsers can leverage digital signatures for the electronic blank endorsement. Such actions further facilitate smart contracts based on blockchain technology and automate agreements that include financial transactions.


Let us understand the concept with the help of examples.

Example #1

Suppose Allen owes $5,000 to Ben. She signs on the back side of a check but doesn't mention the name or account number of the payee, Ben, on it. Thus, this blank endorsement on the check becomes a bearer instrument. Now, Ben owes $5,000 to Catherine for the purchase of furniture, so he hands over the same check issued by Allen to Catharine, who presents it at the bank for cash.

Example #2

Assume John received a paycheck from his employer totaling $600. He employs blank endorsement to obtain transferability and flexibility in his future situations and payouts.  This prevented him from mentioning the proper payee information needed to cash the cheque. He so converted this to a bearer cheque by simply signing the cheque at the reverse without indicating the beneficiary. John is also conscious of the danger involved, such as theft, misplacing the cheque, or fraudulent behavior. He, therefore, stored the endorsed cheque in a safe location out of caution for the difficulties that may arise later.


A blank endorsement serves as a powerful tool in transferring ownership of a financial instrument when the payee is not known or is used instead of cash. One can gauge its significance through the following points:

  1. Enhanced Negotiability: By transforming a financial instrument, such as a check, into a bearer instrument, blank endorsement increases its negotiability. This feature allows the instrument to be payable to the holder, facilitating easy transfer.
  2. Convenient Transactions: It simplifies transactions by eliminating the need for specific payee details. Such action proves valuable in various business transactions requiring quick transfer of funds or merchandise.
  3. Swift Payments: This form of endorsement expedites payments when the payer requires adequate details of the payee beforehand or intends to use the instrument as a replacement for cash.
  4. Ease of Check Deposit: On receiving endorsed checks, the payee authorizes the bank to transfer the funds to the account holder's personal or business account, irrespective of who presents the check.
  5. Provides Flexibility: Blank endorsements enable further transfer or handover of instruments to subsequent parties, providing a flexible means for financial instruments to move through various hands during transactions.

Blank Endorsement vs Restrictive Endorsement

Blank and restrictive endorsements represent two distinct forms of endorsements distinguishable based on the control of ownership and other factors, as discussed below:

BasisBlank EndorsementRestrictive Endorsement
DefinitionIt is the payer's signature on a negotiable financial instrument that facilitates the holder to present and encash it.This endorsement is the action that endorses a financial instrument to a specific person or account, i.e., the clause "For deposit only" followed by the payee's account number.
PurposeTransfer of ownership when the payee is unknownTransferring the payment to a designated payee’s account
ContainsBears the signature of the endorser or account holder on the instrument's backsideIncludes a condition "For deposit only" with the payee's account number
PayeeAnyone who possesses or holds the instrumentA designated payee whose account number or other specification is mentioned on the instrument
Transferability of OwnershipPossibleNot possible
FlexibilityIt provides more flexibility as anyone can cash the instrumentImposes limitations on the instrument's use, often allowing it to be deposited only
SecurityThese are considered less secure due to its versatilityConsiderably secure, dictating specific conditions for the check's use

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When should a blank endorsement be used?

A blank endorsement facilitates the check payable to anyone who possesses it without knowing the name or bank account details of the payee. In other cases, using it instead of cash for payment or intending to further transfer the ownership of the bearer instrument to a third party without any hassle makes such endorsement valuable.

2. What is a blank endorsement bill of lading?

This type of endorsement means that the vendor has not specified the buyer of the goods. Hence, the seller of the goods and the firm involved in transporting goods from one place to another enter into a bill of lading agreement.

3. What is the difference between a blank and a special endorsement?

While in a blank endorsement, the endorser signs a negotiable instrument to make it bearer security, in a special endorsement, the endorser mentions the name of the payee and signs the respective financial instrument.

This article has been a guide to what is Blank Endorsement. Here, we explain its examples, compare it with restrictive endorsement, and importance. You may also find some useful articles here -