The process of color formatting in financial models is the technique that analysts use to enhance the use and clarity of presentation of financial models and spreadsheets. The colors make the model easy to interpret and use. The numerical data can be identified as related to historical, current or future forecast based on these colors.
Image Source: Financial Modeling and Valuation Course Bundle
Using colors to highlight any specific data type makes the entire document visually appealing and easy to use. The colors also segregate different categories of data that should catch the reader’s attention.
Color formatting is done to the cells & data within each financial model. The most commonly used color formatting is as follow:
- Blue: For hardcoded (i.e. typed) inputs. It can be some historical information or something which you assume or the key driver (such as rate of interest, rate of tax, output, etc.) used in the model.
- Black: For calculation & cell references within the same sheet (i.e. all formulae are in black font)
- Green: For references made to other sheets. However, one may keep the color format here as black & may avoid this color.
- Red: For external links outside the working file.
Thus, color the cell & contents within each cell helps the readers. This also helps in linking the flow of different pieces of data within different sheets & files.