Power BI Date Formatting

Published on :

21 Aug, 2024

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Edited by :

Ashish Kumar Srivastav

Reviewed by :

Dheeraj Vaidya

While accessing data from other data sources, it is definite that we will have dates in different formats not as required. So, how do we change the dates' format to the desired format? There is a query for the locale date format in Power BI, allowing us to change the date format in the local date format.

Date Format in Power BI

In this article, we will show you different ways of date formatting in Excel using Power BI. Date and time are sensitive things in MS Excel, and Power BI is no different from this as well. Therefore, you must know several ways to play with the Excel date and time format.


How to Change Date Formatting in Power BI?

You can download the workbook used in this example to practice along with us from the below link.

To show examples, below is the data we are using.

Power BI Date (Excel Data)

Upload the above table to the Power BI file by following the below steps.

  • Open the Power BI file and click on "Enter Data" from the "Home" tab.
Power BI Date (Enter data)
  • Select the first cell of the table and paste the above-copied table.
Power BI Date (Load)
  • Click on "Load" to upload the data to Power BI. We can see this table in Power BI's "Data" tab.
Power BI Date (Loaded data)
  • The above date is "MM-DD-YYYY, HH:MM: SS."
Power BI Date (Date Format)

We can play with these dates by changing this format.

  • Go to the "Data" tab and select the table to view.
Power BI Date (Table View).png
  • Now, go to the "Modeling" tab. Under this tab, we have the "Date" formatting section, as it is hidden.
Power BI Date (modeling)

Select the "Date" column from the table to activate this section.

Power BI Date (Data Type)
  • As you can see above, as soon as we have selected the date column, it has activated. So, this section has the "Data Type" as of now. The data type is "Date / Time" from this drop-down list chooses only “Date.”
Power BI Date (Select date)
  • When you select the data type as "Date" automatically, it will apply these changes to the table. So we can see only "Date" here.
Power BI Date (Date change)

Currently, we have a full-day name, a full month name, along with the date, followed by a year. It looks lengthy.

  • To change the date format to "DD-MM-YYYY, click on the dropdown list of the "Format" tab. We have several listed formatting codes here. Choose the "dd-mm-yyyy" format from this list.
Power BI Date (Date-Time)

It will change the date to the below format now.

Power BI Date (changed format).png

It seems easy but imagine a situation where you need to have time separately, date separately, month separately, and day separately.

We do not have time here in such cases, so we have custom columns. But, first, we need to open the “Power Query” editor.

  • Under the “Home” tab, click on "Edit Queries."
Edit Queries

It will open the “Power BI Query” Editor.

Power Query
  • Choose the "Add Column" tab in the Power Query Editor window. We have a huge list of date formats under this tab.
Add Column
  • Click on the "Date" dropdown list and choose "Date Only."
Date Only

Now, look at the Data Table. It has a new "Date" column, which contains only "date" values from the date and time columns.


Similarly, after the "Date Only" option, we have options of "Year," "Month," "Quarter," "Week," and "Day." Under each of these, we have several other options as well. Below is the list of these subcategories under this.

Year elements

Based on your selection, it will add a new column to the data table without replacing the old column of data. Similarly, using the "Time" option, we can extract the "Time Only" value to the new column.


Once the changes are applied, click on "Close & Apply" under the "Home" tab.

Close & Apply

It will again upload the data to the "Power BI" file with applied changes. Now we can see new columns under the "Data" tab.

Power BI Date (Changed table)

Note: Power BI Date Formatting file can also be downloaded from the link below, and the final output can be viewed.

Things to Remember Here

  • The date format in Power BI is similar to the one in MS Excel.
  • We have pre-defined date formats in Power BI.
  • By default, if the system date format is in the US, it will also apply the same date format to Power BI.

This article is a guide to Power BI Date Formatting. Here, we discuss the different ways to change the date format in Power BI with an example and downloadable template. You may learn more about Power BI from the following articles: -